Fundraising Events
福利協會「慈善獎券2023」 凝聚愛心籌近400萬
福利協會今年首次舉辦「因有您同行˙心存感恩」獎券設計活動,並邀請屬下的幼兒學校參與,冀望能透過充滿童真的獎券設計向社會傳遞愛與希望。除此之外,活動亦與附屬社企Joy Fusion合作,由復康會員製作慈善皂皂波、獎座,並為抽獎禮安排茶點招待,充分體現合作共融精神,讓一眾會員以服務使用者身份作回饋,並親力支持慈善獎券活動。
i. 香港島教區
ii. 東九龍教區
iii. 西九龍教區
iv. 中學組
v. 小學組
vi. 幼稚園組
Elderly Services
「愛.創耆樂」鼓勵學生利用工程設計思維 解決長者生活需要(Chinese Only)
香港人口老化問題日益嚴重,社會上對長者福利及醫療的需求亦日益遞增。為孕育年輕一代研發創新科技及解決方案,以應對未來社會因人口老化而不斷湧現的需要,香港聖公會福利協會今年再度與香港理工大學生物醫學工程學系合作,舉辦第四屆「愛‧創耆樂」比賽,將「STEM」及「樂齡科技」理念融入到比賽之中,希望學生從中不但學會 STEM 跨學科的精神,利用工程設計思維解決問題,還會反思並關注長者的需要,設計或改善合適的輔助器材予他們在生活上使用。比賽過程中亦不乏長者積極參與,不論為設計產品貢獻智慧及建議,或參與機械車大賽,與學生們的跨代交流,皆達至長幼共融的理念。
第四屆「愛‧創耆樂」已於 12 月 2 日在香港理工大學校園圓滿結束,共吸引了共 366 名同學組成 67 支隊伍參加。 比賽分為挑戰賽及設計賽,挑戰賽的主題是跨代共融機械車大賽,每隊參賽隊伍由 2 至 8 名中或小學生、1 位老師或導師教練及 1 位年滿 60 歲的長者組成。參賽隊伍須以 Micro:bit 或 LEGO 組裝三架機械車,以對戰形式進行比賽,而其中一架機械車必須由長者操控,在場地內攻擊敵方車上的氣球,限時之內能保存最多氣球的隊伍為勝方。
設計賽參賽隊伍則須製作友善科技樂齡玩樂產品,透過遊戲方式讓長者的腦部活動,從而預防或緩減認知障礙症的病情。每隊由 2 至 8 名大專、中或小學生及由 1 至 2 位老師或導師教練組成。參賽隊伍在製作產品前,須參加大會安排的三項活動,分別為透過「Action Hub」網上共創平台與長者或專業人士溝通,暸解香港獨居或雙老長者的需要;其次,透過參加設計思維及創業體驗工作坊,了解香港理工大學「賽馬會智齡匯」的產品庫及現有樂齡產品的優缺點,從而設計更合適的產品;此外,大會更設有與專業醫社團隊及長者討論的環節,讓參賽隊伍收集對產品不同的意見,從而進一步優化其產品設計。
設計賽參賽隊伍需向評審團介紹他們的設計靈感、理念,解釋其友善科技樂齡玩樂產品如何預防或緩減長者的認知障礙症病情。評審團由工程師、專業醫療團隊及 約 180 名長者用家組成,選出勝出隊伍的評審準則包括:創意及創新、STEM 的應用、方案的實行性及具開發潛力。
大會另增設「愛.創耆樂」獎學金,由評審選出值得優化或繼續研發的產品,並頒發獎學金予該隊伍。第四年主辦「愛.創耆樂」的理大生物醫學工程學系課程主任劉衍中博士表示:「獎學金能鼓勵學生持續運用 STEM 的知識和技能去設計產品,幫助社會有需要人士,延續這顆關懷社會的心。」
Welfare Council News
香港聖公會福利協會2022至2023年度年會圓滿舉行(Chinese Only)
安老服務過去一年推出多項創意計劃及獲得多個獎項,備受肯定。團隊榮獲社區投資共享基金頒贈「社會資本卓越計劃獎」的「竹園有樂」;獲得業界廣泛認可的 「講飲講食」認知障礙展能療法™健腦教材套(全世界第一套以中文製作的健腦教材);「看圖昔講」語言訓練教材;「煮播2.0」;將軍澳安老服務大樓推出的「織福」-長者互助發展計劃;「無痛E世代」長者膝痛管理計劃以及所研發既運動應用程式「雙膝掌門人」,其中「織福」及「無痛E世代」更在社聯「卓越實踐在社福」計劃中囊括4個獎項;而「煮播2.0」計劃亦獲得香港老年學會頒贈優秀論文演講季軍獎。此外,位於沙田的恩駿長者日間護理中心亦奪得2023年度香港建築師學會特別獎。
康恩園屬下Joy Fusion獲得社署創業展才能計劃資助,於荃灣西港鐵站內開設首間名為「We.Gift」禮品店,聘請復康人士擔任店務員、售賣由復康人士製作的手工皂、手工曲奇,為復康人士提培訓及就業機會、推廣共融社會。
Welfare Council News
The Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Welfare Council's Response to the 2023 Policy Address
The recently released Policy Address by the Chief Executive focused on the theme of "A Vibrant Economy for a Caring Community". The Address contains a wide range of rich and diverse policies that aim to uplift and support various sectors, including childcare, youth, the elderly, rehabilitation, caring and inclusive community, and support for carers. It also includes measures to promote economic growth, address housing issues, improve the growing elderly population, enhance healthcare and education, and provide relief measures to benefit the public. These initiatives bring hope, vitality, and a sense of harmony to Hong Kong as it gradually steps away from the epidemic and moves towards prosperity.
The Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Welfare Council will take into consideration the relevant content and measures outlined in the Policy Address and align them with the future development of our services. At the same time, we would like to provide the following response regarding social welfare matters:
Childcare and Student Services
Childcare services and the well-being of students and working families are key areas of focus for the Welfare Council. We are pleased to see the government allocating resources to support parents. The planned opening of the Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Shamshuipo Nursery School in 2024 will provide more suitable services for children and parents. Additionally, our Kowloon City Children and Youth Integrated Services Centre has received extensive and positive feedback as one of the pilot areas for after-school care programme.
Elderly Services
As one of the core areas of our work, the Welfare Council acknowledges the government’s proposed measures related to elderly services. Given the shortage of manpower in residential care homes and the growing elderly population, we will work in cooperation with the government’s initiatives to provide flexible and suitable options for the elderly. Our various elderly care service units, including the Guangzhou En Shan Social Service Centre, are committed to addressing the needs of the elderly population.
Youth Services
As the operating organisation of the "Strive and Rise Programme," the Welfare Council welcomes the government's increase in student quotas and expansion to cover Form 4 students. These measures allow students from disadvantaged families to participate in more extracurricular activities, broaden their horizons, unleash their potential, and increase their chances of escaping intergenerational poverty.
Rehabilitation Services
In supporting persons with disabilities, the Welfare Council strongly supports the government's efforts to enhance support for mental rehabilitation and individuals with mental health needs. We proactively provide more training for social workers in relevant units to enhance their ability to handle complex cases. Our Wong Tai Sin District Health Centre will fully cooperate with the pilot scheme of community mental health assessment to promptly follow up on and refer high-risk cases.
Support Carers
Carers for the elderly and individuals with disabilities face numerous pressures, and we welcome the government's expansion of respite care service networks to alleviate their burdens. The Welfare Council strongly supports the government's campaign to promote publicity on caring for the carers, including the "Carer Month" held in October 2023, which raises awareness among carers to take care of their own physical and mental health and encourages support from all sectors.
Caring and inclusive community
The Welfare Council is dedicated to promoting social inclusion and has established a multicultural outreach team for the Multi-Cultural Community to assist in integrating into the community and utilising mainstream welfare services. We welcome the government's proposed measures to enhance support for ethnic minorities in areas such as education and employments. Our commitment remains steadfast in serving multicultural communities and building a harmonious society.
Looking ahead, the Welfare Council offers the following recommendations:
Enhancing the quality of elderly care facilities and addressing the manpower shortage, a multifaceted approach is necessary. This includes developing long-term home-based elderly care options to reduce waiting times for residential care facilities. Additionally, conducting a comprehensive review of staffing arrangements, reevaluating the salary levels and working hours of local care workers, and increasing incentives for locals to join the elderly care and rehabilitation industry to retain manpower.
Promoting the employment of the “silver-haired group” and encouraging them to re-enter the workforce can achieve targeted poverty alleviation. Simultaneously, further research should be conducted on sustainable retirement protection schemes.
In response to the legislative proposals on advance directives and dying in place, it is recommended that the government actively promote comprehensive legislation, enhance the capabilities, facilities, and staffing of service organisations and residential care homes in this aspect. This will enable the provision of dignified and choice-based end-of-life care for the elderly and promote compassionate care in the community.
The government can consider reviewing the data and needs of carers in each district. The population census needs to include this element to more accurately grasp the situations of carers and improve district-based caring services, strengthen carer support networks, and enhance the capabilities of elderly day care centres and community services to support carers in the community.
Strengthening the promotion of vocational and professional education, aligning vocational training with mainstream education, and providing diverse learning and employment opportunities for young people.
When formulating a comprehensive "Chinese Medicine Development Blueprint", it is recommended to introduce visiting Chinese medicine practitioner service for residential care homes, allowing elderly or persons with disabilities to choose to receive Chinese medicine treatment, increasing flexibility and meeting the needs of service users.
When implementing the “Community Living Room" initiative, considering adding two pilot sites in the key areas of sub-divided units would strengthen communication with residents in sub-divided units and facilitate a more effective evaluation of the programme’s effectiveness.
In conclusion, this year’s Policy Address has presented specific proposals and project targets in various areas of social welfare, aiming to benefit individuals of all age groups and bring happiness to the community. The government's commitment to implementing comprehensive and multi-dimensional social welfare policies reinforces the future operation and development directions of social welfare organisations. The Welfare Council will closely monitor the development of government policies, express timely opinions, and collaborate with all sectors to build a better and more harmonious Hong Kong.
Elderly Services
認知障礙展能療法™ 及 全港首套「講飲講食」健腦教材套 有助患者改善活動參與度、專注、集中能力及情緒(Chinese Only)
認知障礙症已是日益嚴重的全球性問題,每年 9 月 21 日為「世界認知障礙症日」,本港目前每三名達八十五歲的長者,就有一人患上認知障礙症。目前並沒有根治認知障礙症的方法,只能通過藥物及訓練幫助維持腦部功能,減慢衰退的速度,當中包括被全球多國廣泛使用的「認知障礙展能療法™ 」(DementiAbility)。療法是運用以人為本的理念,根據患者的需要 (Needs)、興趣(Interests)、技巧 (Skills) 和能力 (Abilities)(NISA),再配合輔助性的環境,為患者建立有意義及無挫敗的活動,以提高患者生活質素及參與度。香港聖公會福利協會(下稱「福利協會」)得到「認知障礙展能療法™」原創人姬爾‧埃利奧特女士 Ms Gail Elliot支持,設計全港首套以本地飲食文化為題的「講飲講食」認知障礙展能療法™健腦教材套,並推廣至安老服務單位及私營院舍。此教材套內容包括七款以食物為主題的訓練遊戲,以本地飲茶文化、美食、購物為元素,例如砌圖決定「今晚食乜餸 」、以一起購物去用作食物分類以及開飯喇主題來將餐具分類等等。每項遊戲都提供不同選擇,設有不同難度,以適應患者的不同能力水平,減少挫折感,及鼓勵患者發揮自主能力。每套遊戲均設有遊戲指示卡和示範短片的二維碼,並且獨立包裝,方便攜帶。福利協會自2020年開展「認知障礙展能療法™」 推廣計劃,以提升認知障礙症服務的質素,當中包括邀請超過40位年齡60歲或以上,患有認知障礙症的服務使用者,評估他們使用教材套後治療成效。結果顯示,參與計劃之長者的專注度和集中能力得以改善,分別上升8.8%和9%,而他們的興趣及積極參與度亦各增3.9%及26%。在情感表達方面,參加者在微笑、愉悅感以及改善悲傷和焦慮方面的效果,亦有顯注改進,分別提升40.4%、13.9%及76.9%。現年 64 歲的鍾女士,為初期認知障礙症患者,接受教材套治療前,很容易忘記自己正在做甚麼,腦海突然空白一片及認不到路,感到很焦慮。鍾女士接受訓練後,逐漸重拾自己對格價計數,閱讀等興趣,自覺訓練除刺激自己思維,更能融入生活。她表示日常購物時會提高對格價的意識,同時增加閱讀時間,豐富自己的生活。教材套亦應用於私營院舍,瑞臻護老中心(油塘)社工何兆麟先生表示,教材簡單易明,加上附有清晰的文字及短片指引,令經驗較淺的員工亦能輕易上手,並透過教材加深對長者的了解。過往曾有一名院友出現遊走問題,院舍透過教材得知他過往是漁民,力氣較大,因此安排他協助推送輕便文件,成功增加他的成就感,減少其遊走行為,並改善他和其他院友的關係。福利協會總幹事劉冼靜儀女士表示︰「感謝『認知障礙展能療法™』原創人姬爾‧埃利奧特女士 Ms Gail Elliot支持,讓協會能設計全港首套以本地飲食文化為題的『講飲講食』認知障礙展能療法™健腦教材套,並推廣至超過260個服務單位。我期望能夠與業界擕手合作,共同創建一個對認知障礙患者更加友善的香港。」除此之外,推廣計劃亦包括提供機構專業同工培訓、舉辦業界分享會等。此教材套亦為業界提供一個設計及推行認知障礙症患者個別化活動的參考框架,有助業界為其服務使用者設計個人化的訓練工具及活動。
Kowloon City Themed Walking Trail
Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Welfare Council ‘Kowloon City in Transformation’: Kick-off Ceremony of the Kowloon City Themed Walking Trail Officially completed
Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Welfare Council (‘Welfare Council’) was supported by the Urban Renewal Fund to design and operate the Kowloon City Themed Walking Trail. The Walking Trail is the first in Hong Kong to be themed after a district, stretches more than 6.5 kilometres, and comprises five routes, each with its own characteristics. By connecting residents and stakeholders in the district, the Walking Trail promotes the preservation of historical relics and the development of arts, culture, and more.
After five years, the Kowloon City Themed Walking Trail, titled ‘Kowloon City in Transformation’, has completed construction. The five routes are, respectively, the Walled City Historical Walk; the Local Culture Walk; the Community Art Walk; the Waterfront Leisure Walk; and the Temple and Church Walk. Combining the history of the Walled City, local historical sites, art and culture, cityscape and religious features, not only does it link up the district’s main historical buildings and facilities, it also passes on the district's precious history and reinterprets the stories of people and the community.
The operating concept of the Walking Trail involves the integration of software and hardware and the adoption of human-centred participatory design. The latter included public workshops to gather initial design concepts and local consultations at different stages to fine-tune ideas, so that members of the public could enjoy participatory experiences. Some of the public’s designs and ideas have ended up in different sections of the Walking Trail, such as light pole sign plates, informational panels, etc. The Walking Trail incorporates Augmented Reality (AR) technology to connect the main historical buildings and facilities in the district. The use of AR and mobile applications throughout the project enhances the interactivity and fun for the public. The Walking Trail also recruits and trains residents and community members to join its team of volunteers. Through a series of training and practical activities, participants learn the culture and history of the Kowloon City District and take part in the planning and promotion of different projects.
The kick-off ceremony of the Kowloon City Themed Walking Trail was held today. In attendance as officiating guests were: Ms Bernadette Linn Hon-ho, JP, Secretary for Development; Prof. Steven Ngai Sek-yum, Chairman of the Board of the Urban Renewal Fund; The Very Revd Frankin Lee On-Yip Dean, Holy Trinity Cathedral Priest-in-Charge, St Augustine’s Chapel; Revd Canon Hon Peter Douglas Koon Ho-ming, BBS, OStJ, JP, Chairman of the Board of Directors and the Executive Committee, Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Welfare Council; Ir Wai Chi Sing, GBS, JP, FHKEng, Managing Director of the Urban Renewal Authority; Mr Arthur Chan Tsz-fung, Assistant District Officer of Home Affairs Department, Kowloon City District Office; Mr Ho Hin-ming, BBS, MH, Chairman of Kowloon City District Council; and Mrs Patricia Lau, CEO of Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Welfare Council. Also held at the event was the exhibition ‘Kowloon City in Transformation: Inheritance and the Way Forward’, which showcased the Walking Trail’s development and the district’s history and stories.
Ms Bernadette Linn Hon-ho, JP, Secretary for Development said in her speech, ‘Kowloon City Themed Walking Trail is an important landmark that connects the communities of Kowloon City, To Kwa Wan, and Hung Hom, shaping local characteristics, and creating a beautiful atmosphere. The Development Bureau expresses gratitude to the Urban Renewal Fund for providing financial support to the project. I would also like to thank the Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Welfare Council for actively bringing together various community forces to ensure the smooth completion and use of the walkway. It is hoped that everyone can continue to work together to promote and pass on similar walkway projects to other districts. I would like to invite citizens and tourists to experience the results of the integration of history, culture, technology, and creativity on the walkway. The Development Bureau will continue to fully support relevant projects. In addition, the Government has also launched a project to renew part of the To Kwa Wan preliminary treatment works into a waterfront promenade, connecting to the expansion of the Hoi Sham Park, which is expected to be completed this year.’
Prof. Steven Ngai Sek-yum, Chairman of the Board of the Urban Renewal Fund said, ‘We are pleased to see that the project, from its inception to the completion of the five routes at the end of last year, achieved great results at every stage. That was all thanks to everyone’s support. On behalf of the Urban Renewal Fund, I would like to extend my most heartfelt gratitude to you all. First, I would like to thank the Development Bureau and other related government departments, especially the Kowloon City District Office for its tremendous support and guidance. I would also like to thank the Kowloon City District Council for providing us with encouragement and valuable advice along the way. We are also very grateful to all the resident volunteers for their enthusiastic participation and generous contribution over the past few years.’
Koon was glad that the Welfare Council got to participate in the Walking Trail project: ‘After a century, the Welfare Council is honoured to expand its scope of social services in the Kowloon City District and be part of its conservation work. The Walking Trail allows us to extend our care and commitment to Kowloon City. The themed walking trail presented today, which stretches from Hau Wong Temple in Kowloon City to Hung Hom, is most certainly the result of our colleagues, various community service units, institutions, residents, etc. The Walking Trail was built step by step, together. It also reinterprets the relationship between people and the community and embodies the spirit of the Walking Trail: while Kowloon City is transforming, human connection is forever.’
To date, the Walking Trail has organised more than 760 activities, reaching more than 85,000 people, installing more than 2,500 pieces of hardware facilities. It has been interviewed by many local media and China Tourism magazine. Nineteen quarterly newsletters have been published, with a total print run of 150,000. The Walking Trail will continue to roll out a range of promotional activities to encourage the public, the youth, the elderly, and families to visit the Walking Trail and to promote the integration of people of different ages in the community. This July, the Walking Trail will participate in the Hong Kong Book Fair to promote its own series of picture books about the community. In late July and late October, the Walking Trail will also participate in the Hong Kong Institute of Architects Biennale Foundation’s Roving Architecture Exhibition, bringing Hong Kong’s stories to Kuala Lumpur and Nanjing.
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