Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Welfare Council Limited
Transform Life
Live in Abundance
About Us
Established in 1966, the Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Welfare Council has been providing multi-faceted services to individuals across all ages and socioeconomic backgrounds.
Childcare Services
Child & Youth Services
Elderly Services
Families and Integrated Services
Rehabilitation Services
Services for SEN
Hospice Care Services
Professional Trainings
Services in GBA
Transitional Housing Projects
Kowloon City Themed Walking Trail
Medical & Wellness Services
Social Enterprises
Foundation and Supportive Projects
Their Stories
Art Bridges the Gap for a Mother and Daughter with Intellectual Disabilities
People with intellectual disabilities struggle to express their love through language. Although 69-year-old mother Miu Zhen and 36-year-old daughter Weiwei live together in the Providence Garden for Rehab, they have limited opportunities to meet in person. An art workshop "ART Tales" has helped them bridge the gap, allowing them to convey their love for each other through art.
Our Videos
More Videos【生前 ‧ 身後 好好說再見】末期病患院友的臨終照顧選擇 | 賽馬會安寧頌「安寧在院舍」計劃 (九龍西)
「生時安樂,死時安寧」相信是很多人的願望,但「好死」、「圓滿」的定義對你我或許不同…… 潤娣在100歲高齡時被診斷出腎腫瘤及晚期腎衰竭,作為女兒的阿芳最大的期盼,是減輕母親身體上的痛苦,並讓她在人生最後階段得到持續的陪伴與關愛。為此,阿芳決定加入賽馬會安寧頌「安寧在院舍」計劃。 觀賞短片,了解計劃團隊如何提供臨終照顧,並支援阿芳與家人陪伴潤娣安詳舒適走完人生旅程,圓滿道別。 【關於計劃】 賽馬會安寧頌「安寧在院舍」計劃由香港賽馬會慈善信託基金策劃及捐助,自2016年開始推展。香港聖公會福利協會於2023年9月加入計劃,成立九龍西「安寧在院舍」專業團隊,服務荃灣、葵涌、青衣16間政府資助安老院舍,支援及協助參與計劃的院舍,合作推展紓緩及臨終照顧服務,推廣晚晴教育,讓院友可以圓滿人生旅程。
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