
Our Services Services for SEN

On-site Pre-school Rehabilitation Services WE LOVE - Jockey Club Centre for Family Enhancement Tiered Autism Intervention Model(AIM) Project

Service Overview

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Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Walk with Love Project

Our mission

  1. Provide early intervention and inter-disciplinary training services for children with special needs to enhance their potential and strengthen their all-round development ;
  2. Support parents and caregivers by providing counselling and education to increase their confidence in nourishing children with special needs, and to strengthen their supporting roles in family;
  3. Promote community education to construct an inclusive society with equality and care


Who we serve

  1. Children who are attending at the participating KGs or KG-cum-CCCs and are on the waiting list for SWD-subvented pre-school rehabilitation services;
  2. Children who are on the waiting list for assessment from Child Assessment Centres under Department of Health or Hospital Authority (when our service team has service quota to provide services for these children but the number of these children served must not be more than 10% of the total number of children served by our team);
  3. Teachers/child care workers and parents/carers of such children. 


Service Objectives

Our multi-disciplinary service team provides professional on-site training for students with special needs and gives professional advice to teachers, includingconsultation and professional training, in assisting them to offer quality care for students with special needs. We also provide support to parents in raising their children with a positive attitude and effective skills.


Service Scope

Training for Children

  1. Understanding the developmental progress of children through comprehensive assessments conducted by therapists;
  2. Adopting tailor-made training plans by our multi-disciplinary team, based on children’s ability in different aspects;
  3. Providing on-site/centre-based individual and group training for children
  4. Conducting regular meetings to evaluate training effectiveness. 


Support for Teachers

  1.  Providing on-site consultation for teachers;
  2.  Providing diversified training programs, including workshops, seminars, group trainings and other activities.


Support for Parents/Carers

  1. Providing consultation for parents to enhance their skills in raising children with special needs;
  2. Providing diversified training programs, including workshops, seminars, group trainings and other activities.


Service Users

On-site Pre-school Rehabilitation Services (OPRS)

1. Children under six attending the KGs/KG-cum-CCCs participating in OPRS who are:

assessed by paediatricians, clinical/educational psychologists or other qualified professionals as recognized by SWD, referrals can be made by social workers of integrated family service centres, medical social services units or designated service units under Central Referral System for Rehabilitation Services‒Subsystem for Disabled Pre-schoolers (CRSRehabPS) for application for pre-school rehabilitation services.

2. Teachers/child care workers and parents/carers of such children. 


Tier 1 Support Services

  1. Children under six attending the KGs or KG-cum-CCCs participating in OPRS who are:
    awaiting assessment by Child Assessment Centres (CACs), or
    • assessed by CACs to have borderline developmental problem, or
    • assessed by the OPRS team as having special needs with reference to the “Child Observation Checklist” (COC).
  2. Teachers/child care workers and parents/carers of such children.


Service Modes

A Multi-disciplinary Team

Our service team comprises occupational therapists, speech therapists, physiotherapists, clinical/ educational psychologists, registered social workers and special child care workers. The team works together to make tailor-made individual training plans for children.


Case Coordination

Special child care worker, being the case manager, follows the training progress of children and formulates individual training plans.


On-site Support Services

Therapists and special child care workers provide on-site training for children, together with classroom management strategies, to strengthen support for children at school.


Centre-based Support Services

In order to enhance the effectiveness of training, we provide centre-based professional training facilities to address the training needs of children.


Mobile Training Centre

A mobile training shuttle with professional equipment would travel between KGs or KG-cum-CCCs around all districts in Hong Kong. Students with special needs can receive training in a soundproof space. Our mobile training shuttle has two independent training rooms and various professional equipment, such as fine motor training aids, speech therapy training materials and social skills training materials, etc. Therapists can therefore provide individualized treatment programs with the use of equipment for children with special needs.


Application Procedures

On-site Pre-school Rehabilitation Services (OPRS)

Referrals can be made by social workers or staff of rehabilitation service units to the Central Referral System for Rehabilitation Services of the SWD.

Tier 1 Support Services Parents/carers may consult the teachers or other professions (e.g. social workers in pre-primary institutions) of participating KGs/KG-cum-CCCs or approach our OPRS Project Team directly for enquiry


Tier 1 Support Services 

Parents/carers may consult the teachers or other professions (e.g. social workers in pre-primary institutions) of participating KGs/KG-cum-CCCs or approach our OPRS Project Team directly for enquiry.



Parents who would like to withdraw from our service, will have to notify our service team in written form at least one month in advance. Termination of our service/ referral to other services will be made under the following circumstances (whichever is earlier):
• promoted to mainstream primary school (including local and/ or  non-local syllabus);
• ineligible for service due to reached age of 6 on/ before 1 September of the year as stipulated in RSRehab-PS Manual of Procedures;
• tier movement to Waitee/ or changed service to EETC/ IP/ SCCC/ RSCCC;
• changed to other KGs/ KG-cum-CCCs with or without OPRS
• tier movement to Tier 1 (with progress from OPRS);
• achieved OPRS training plan without CRSRehab-PS service need;
• self-withdrawal by parent/ guardian;
• away from Hong Kong;
• other reasons.


Service Fee

Our service is subvented by the Social Welfare Department (SWD), and hence free of charge.

Service Overview

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Presented with an urgent need for special needs education, the Welfare Council concluded its experiences in providing support services for children with Special Educational Needs (SEN) and their parents with the establishment of the “WE LOVE - Jockey Club Centre for Family Enhancement". The centre features multidisciplinary professionals comprised of psychologists, social workers, speech therapists and occupational therapists who provide remedial, developmental and support services to children with dyslexia, autism, attention deficit or hyperactive disorder and their parent. This enhances students’ study skills, attention span, communication and social skills, and equips their parents with relevant grooming and parenting skills in addition to providing them with emotional support.



Service Overview


Funded by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, WE LOVE: Jockey Club Centre for Family Enhancement partnered with The University of Hong Kong, the Education Bureau and six institutions in 2018 to launch JC A-Connect: Jockey Club Autism Support Network (“JC A-Connect”), with which it provides systematic group training with on-site services for students with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) studying in mainstream primary and secondary schools and gives support for faculty and staff members and parents. Remarkable results were achieved in evidence-based intervention. The project was regularised and funded by the Education Bureau from 2021 and renamed “Tiered Autism Intervention Model(AIM) Project”.


Target group:

Students with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) studying in mainstream primary and secondary schools, and their parents, teachers and peers 


Content of the Project

- Student Support Programme (Type A)

- Strength-based Curriculum (Type B)

Service Feedback

不完美 都很美
梁媽媽的孩子 –喬喬(化名),早在1歲半時已被評估為自閉症譜系及發展遲緩。梁媽媽形容他的脾氣很大、「易爆炸」,情緒來到時,就會大吵大鬧,甚至用腳踢人。她憶述一段難忘事情:喬喬曾與表姐搶玩具而發脾氣,激動得要咬人,令她當場崩潰。



接受愛童行服務後,喬喬在認字、大肌運用、聆聽及執行指示上大幅進步。 而令梁媽媽留下深刻印象,是治療團隊對她的關懷及陪伴。她坦言現今的媽媽絕不易做,「考牌」已經是基本。而她第一次為人父母,就要面對特殊需要這個大挑戰,不但要諄諄善誘,更要好好控制自己的情緒,雖然有時會感到惶惑無助,但幸好有治療團隊持續的鼓勵和稱讚,撐起了當時心力交瘁的她。
盧太的一對雙胞胎 – 哥哥臻臻和弟弟楓楓,同時被評估為SEN學童。盧太明白到SEN孩子需要在6歲前的黃金期及早接受治療,當得悉他們被評估為SEN兒童,就立即把握時間,完成各種評估。


Service Feedback

不完美 都很美
梁媽媽的孩子 –喬喬(化名),早在1歲半時已被評估為自閉症譜系及發展遲緩。梁媽媽形容他的脾氣很大、「易爆炸」,情緒來到時,就會大吵大鬧,甚至用腳踢人。她憶述一段難忘事情:喬喬曾與表姐搶玩具而發脾氣,激動得要咬人,令她當場崩潰。



接受愛童行服務後,喬喬在認字、大肌運用、聆聽及執行指示上大幅進步。 而令梁媽媽留下深刻印象,是治療團隊對她的關懷及陪伴。她坦言現今的媽媽絕不易做,「考牌」已經是基本。而她第一次為人父母,就要面對特殊需要這個大挑戰,不但要諄諄善誘,更要好好控制自己的情緒,雖然有時會感到惶惑無助,但幸好有治療團隊持續的鼓勵和稱讚,撐起了當時心力交瘁的她。
盧太的一對雙胞胎 – 哥哥臻臻和弟弟楓楓,同時被評估為SEN學童。盧太明白到SEN孩子需要在6歲前的黃金期及早接受治療,當得悉他們被評估為SEN兒童,就立即把握時間,完成各種評估。


Recent Publications

樂在家·學不停 第7期 (Chinese only)
樂在家·學不停 第6期 (Chinese only)
樂在家·學不停 第5期 (Chinese only)

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Newsletter Jul - Sep 2024

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《玩樂一刻》 2023 4-6月活動課程 (Chinese Only)
《小孩遊樂園》2023 1-3月活動課程 (Chinese Only)
樂在家·學不停 第7期 (Chinese only)
樂在家·學不停 第6期 (Chinese only)
樂在家·學不停 第5期 (Chinese only)

Recent Videos

【童行.點滴】- 非一般「虎媽」 (Chinese only)

說到「虎爸虎媽」一詞,通常給人一種嚴格、專制、極度有紀律的感覺。熙熙媽媽曾經也是一位「虎媽」,希望孩子升上「Band 1」小學、讀好書、勤温習、同時學習不同興趣,成為媽媽心目中文武雙全的好學生。然而,熙熙在幼稚園二年級時被評估為特殊需要學童,從此令她不再一樣。

「提升專注力非洲鼓班」見證孩子進步 (Chinese only)




【童行.點滴】不完美 都很美 (Chinese only)

【不完美,都很美】 完美,是最美嗎?或許不完美,都可以很美麗? 很多家長都望子成龍,卻不自覺向著「完美」進發。對有特殊學習需要(SEN)的孩子來說,可能一個簡單的回應、一句完整句子,足已令家長感動。 梁媽媽的孩子,早在1歲半時已被評估為自閉症譜系及發展遲緩。媽媽形容他的脾氣很大、「易爆炸」,情緒來到時,就會大吵大鬧,甚至用腳踢人。 他們是如何一路走來?孩子又如何慢慢改變?觀看影片,了解他們的成長歷程。

【童行.點滴】- 我的摘星孖寶 (Chinese only)

作為父母,誕下一對雙胞胎固然開心, 即使要付出幾多倍時間與心力,都是值得。 假如孩子都是有特殊學習需要(SEN)的孩子, 如訪問中的盧太,有一對同時被評估為SEN學童的雙胞胎, 你能夠想像到當中的挑戰嗎? 


Recent Videos

「提升專注力非洲鼓班」見證孩子進步 (Chinese only)





【童行.點滴】不完美 都很美 (Chinese only)

【不完美,都很美】 完美,是最美嗎?或許不完美,都可以很美麗? 很多家長都望子成龍,卻不自覺向著「完美」進發。對有特殊學習需要(SEN)的孩子來說,可能一個簡單的回應、一句完整句子,足已令家長感動。 梁媽媽的孩子,早在1歲半時已被評估為自閉症譜系及發展遲緩。媽媽形容他的脾氣很大、「易爆炸」,情緒來到時,就會大吵大鬧,甚至用腳踢人。 他們是如何一路走來?孩子又如何慢慢改變?觀看影片,了解他們的成長歷程。

【童行.點滴】- 我的摘星孖寶 (Chinese only)

作為父母,誕下一對雙胞胎固然開心, 即使要付出幾多倍時間與心力,都是值得。 假如孩子都是有特殊學習需要(SEN)的孩子, 如訪問中的盧太,有一對同時被評估為SEN學童的雙胞胎, 你能夠想像到當中的挑戰嗎? 

Recent Videos

「提升專注力非洲鼓班」見證孩子進步 (Chinese only)





【童行.點滴】不完美 都很美 (Chinese only)

【不完美,都很美】 完美,是最美嗎?或許不完美,都可以很美麗? 很多家長都望子成龍,卻不自覺向著「完美」進發。對有特殊學習需要(SEN)的孩子來說,可能一個簡單的回應、一句完整句子,足已令家長感動。 梁媽媽的孩子,早在1歲半時已被評估為自閉症譜系及發展遲緩。媽媽形容他的脾氣很大、「易爆炸」,情緒來到時,就會大吵大鬧,甚至用腳踢人。 他們是如何一路走來?孩子又如何慢慢改變?觀看影片,了解他們的成長歷程。


《童行.點滴》系列 SEN家庭的一點一滴,都能化作同路人的力量。透過分享照顧SEN孩子的苦與樂,讓大家彼此支持,明白成長路縱然漫長,但有我們與你「童」行並不孤單!

【童行.點滴】- 我的摘星孖寶 (Chinese only)

作為父母,誕下一對雙胞胎固然開心, 即使要付出幾多倍時間與心力,都是值得。 假如孩子都是有特殊學習需要(SEN)的孩子, 如訪問中的盧太,有一對同時被評估為SEN學童的雙胞胎, 你能夠想像到當中的挑戰嗎? 


《童行.點滴》系列 SEN家庭的一點一滴,都能化作同路人的力量。 全新《童行.點滴》系列,透過分享照顧SEN孩子的苦與樂,讓大家彼此支持,明白成長路縱然漫長,但有我們與你「童」行並不孤單!

Service Units & Projects

Kowloon New Territories
Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Walk with Love Project (Kowloon City District Centre)
Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Walk with Love Project (Sham Shui Po District Centre)
WE LOVE - Jockey Club Centre for Family Enhancement

本頁圖片/檔案 - Welove_小組Service users

Students from pre-school to secondary school, who are with special education needs (SEN) and their parents



  • Assessment and individual trainings
  • Speech therapy trainings in groups
  • Sensory integration trainings in groups
  • Social skill training groups
  • Trainings for Special Child Care Workers (SCCW)
  • After School Care Programme
  • Training Subsidy Programme for Children on the Waiting List of Subvented Pre-school Rehabilitation Services
  • Parents' talks and workshops


3/F, Holy Trinity Bradbury Centre,


139 Ma Tau Chung Road,



Tel 8201 1163
Fax 8201 1263
Facebook Page
Operating hours

Monday to Friday: 10:00a.m. to 01:00p.m.; 02:00p.m. to 06:00p.m.


Lunch Hour: 01:00p.m. to 02:00p.m. (Closed)


Saturday: 09:30a.m. to 05:30p.m.


Lunch Hour: 01:00p.m. to 02:00p.m. (Closed)


Closed on publich holidays

Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Walk with Love Project (Tsuen Wan and Kwai Tsing District Centre)
Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Walk with Love Project (Tuen Mun District Centre)

Units 19-20, 16/F & Unit 12, 21/F


Parklane Square, No.2 Tuen Hi Road,


Tuen Mun, New Territories

Tel 3795 5924(16/F)/ 2735 0898(21/F)
Fax 3612 5787
Service hours

Monday to Thursday: 8:45 am – 5:45 pm


Friday: 8:45 am – 6:00 pm


(Friday lunch hour: 12:30pm - 1:30pm)


Saturday: 9:00am - 12:45pm

Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Walk with Love Project (Sha Tin District Centre)

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